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At Bicycles Plus we offer a full range of cycling services.  Wheather you'll looking to purchase a new item or fix it or just need to get educated on a cycling widget, we're here to help. Click on the links below to direct you to more detail.


We carry some of the best brands in cycling.  If you're looking for a new bike or cycling accessories, we've got you covered.  Click on the link to get more details, prices and more info. 



The difference between a good shop and a great one is the difference between radio and television. Bicycles Plus is the HD TV of the cycling world. Those who are shopping for a new bike can relax in the knowledge that we understand the needs of the rider like no one else.


Bicycles Plus is your premier bike rental headquarters.  We guarentee the Sacramento area's largest rental fleet.  We're located 100 feet from the American River Bike Trail for quick and easy access.


We want to share all our cycling knowlege that we've learned over the last 25 years.  We've created classes, manuals and videos to help you learn more about cycling.  Visit our links for more details.


At BP we've invested an amazing amount of time and money to train our staff to be the best bike fitting technicians in the area.  We offer a comprehensive fit process with BG FIT® by factory trained personel.  Learn more about Bike Fit.

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