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What you can expect from a TOP 100 RETAILER in the nation.

The Difference

The difference between a good shop and a great one is the difference between radio and television. Bicycles Plus is the HD TV of the cycling world. Those who are shopping for a new bike can relax in the knowledge that we understand the needs of the rider like no one else.


Our shop is more than the best place around to buy a bicycle. We exist to make the cycling life a part of your daily existence. We understand the cycling life like no one else because we live it to our core. All of our staff rides and every day, we live the training, the flats, the traffic and, of course, the fun of riding.


Expert Staff

The fact is, we pride ourselves on having the best-trained staff in the business. They were the best when we hired them and we have given them the resources to distinguish Bicycles Plus as no other shop. If theres a training program available, whether it is in bicycle service or customer service, weve sent our staff to be educated.  When it comes to maintaining bikes, we get it. Proper maintenance is time-consuming and while most shops pride themselves on how quickly their mechanics work, we give our techs the time to do the job right. More time means more thorough inspections and more proactive care.



Our knowledge of the bikes our customers ride is so complete that when our manufacturers look for advice on how to make their bikes more durable, easier to service and perform better, they come to us. They know our staff have seen it all and gotten every question out there. And when they have a new product to introduce, we see it first to make sure it meets expectations

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